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"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the single candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." (Buddha)

Thanks for your interest in my works.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis Using Map-Reduce

Reinforcement Learning


Software Defect Prediction

Software Defect Prediction Using RCLUV

Language Feature Analysis

PhP Feature Analysis


NoSQL Database on IBM Cloudant


A Program Pattern Detection Tool

Source File Change Prediction

Change prediction in Codebase

Creating Website

Creating GitHub Blog Using Jekyll


I am a PhD in Computing with extensive experience in Machine Learning and Data Science, and a verifiable track record of achievements in Software Code Analysis. I am also an MSc in Ultra-Large Scale Software Systems and BSc in Computer Science and Engineering. I consistently demonstrated focused and quick learning ability with good analytical skills throughout my academic life.

Data Science and Software Development are my main area of interest. I enjoy working with data wrangling, analysis, machine learning model development, tuning, and visualization.

Key Competencies:
  • Programming
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Database

Programming Languages Python, Java, Matlab, C, C++, TXL, PhP, Visual Basic, Xtend
Machine Learning Tools Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Keras, Weka
Data Analysis and Visualization Tools R, Pandas, Numpy, SPSS, Tableau, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Microsoft Visio, Excel
Database Languages SQL, NoSQL, MySQL
Version Control Systems Git, GitHub
Software Modeling Tools Eclipse modeling framework, Xtext, Papyrus-RT, UML-RT
Other XML, JSON, HTML, NiCAD, Hadoop, MapReduce, Jupyter Notebook, Latex

Key Achievements:
  • Built software defect prediction models that improved existing performance upto 20%
  • Developed the code pattern detection tool NiPAT
  • Publications in journal and conference
  • Graduated in Computer Science and Engineering with Distinction

If you are interested to know more about my Academic and Professional life then please Click Here

  • PhD in Computing

    Earned PhD in Computing from Queen's University, Kingston

  • MSc in Ultra-large-scale Software Systems

    Earned MSc in Computing with specialization in Ultra-large-scale Software Systems from Queen's University, Kingston

  • BSc in Computer Science and Engineering

    Earned BSc in Computer Science and Engineering with Distinction from Khulna University, Bangladesh.

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